Monday, April 11, 2011

A few more new edits, and a bit of news

A few more B-sides from the archives online, most of which were only 1 new photo:

Chipping Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Lapland Longspur (and Snow Buntings)
Song Sparrow - 2

Vesper Sparrow
Leucistic American Robin
American Robin
Swainson's Thrush
Leucistic Black-capped Chickadee
Thayer's Gull - 3
California Gull - 4- (the gulls aren't the best, but they're all I have,,, for now!  ,, Must go west)

Leucistic American Crow - 2
Leucistic Forster's Tern - 2


It seems to happen slowly, but the slow and steady increase in rarities has begun for Ontario:

Eurasian Wigeon in Waterloo:

Western Grebe:

(same bird visiting this end of Lake Ontario for the past 3-4 years?!)

--- the wagtail

--- Swainson's Hawks near Grimsby (ON) and Conneaut (OH)

--- Yellow-headed Blackbird near Port Burwell

There is also apparently an American White Pelican (photographed Apr 8) in the Brantford Newspaper! Not (yet?) seen by any "serious" birders (if I can use the term)... Although maybe the bird seen in St. Catherines a few days earlier.
(posted by Bill Lamond on the ham-birds google group)


Also a great photo of a Lewis's Woodpecker that spent the winter in NY:


  1. Yellow-headed Blackbird reported up on Kettle Point this morning as well.

  2. I like that white birds.........
