Friday, May 4, 2012
Pelee Island - May 4, 2012
Today was probably pretty darn good in the grand scheme of things, but after the last two awesome days - it seemed slower and I think our activity level was lower as well.......
In the evening, we finally got into the cottage we rented to discover it is the dirtiest pos you could imagine (as far as beach cottages go)... But my Dad and I then found 5 Willets on the rocks just offshore, which made it better - for a while.....
Some birds: Male Prothonotary at Fish Point... 5 Willets from our "new" cottage... Lots of Tennessee's... mmm yeah I don't really remember much else.. Blue-winged Warbler, Orange-crowned... A Mockingbird at Fish Point (odd place) in a very light reverse migration.... yeah....
Butterflies were as expected... Dainty Sulphurs, Little Yellows, Variegated Frits, Buckeyes, Fiery Skippers... You know, the usual's... Actually had my first Spring Azure on Pelee Island this year.
Dragonflies were also on the light side, but probably due to lack of effort... my "new" species for the day was a Pondhawk...
Sleep time!!!!
Dainty Sulphurs, Little yellows, Fiery Skippers in early big deal...