Boom goes - the SW winds?!
GFS run for this Monday at 8-ish AM - SUPER SW winds pushing into southern Ontario ahead of a front... This could bring real live vagrant birds into the province (from the south!!!)
All it takes is one good push of S or SW winds, and the vagrants arrive. The Chicago Elaenia was found on April 17th... A Fork-tailed Flycatcher arrived at Long Point under the same weather conditions... The Bahama Woodstar arrived in PA in late April last year (18th? 19th?) You get my point!
We're likely a LITTLE too early for anything realllly crazy, but who knows...
Some recent birds -
IBIS on Lake ERIE -
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher on Lake ERIE -
Swainson's Hawk in Indiana -
Neotropic Cormorant in Indiana -
Snowy Plover in Illinois -
White Pelican on Lake ONTARIO - (NY) -
Swainson's Hawk and Black Vulture at Braddock Bay (April 10th) -
- we're getting REALLY close!!!!!!!!!!!
Lake Erie is still LOADED with ice - and it's almost mid April! -- Imagine Ibis and Ice?
I'm not sure why google did this, but its kind of cool (it created a gif of my small-ish cormorant) - and sent it to me (without me asking) -
Unless someone else did it... I'm not really sure....
Google did this :) ... a new feature for pictures you upload: