Saturday, April 9, 2011

Beamer on Apr 7, and a spring warm-up

Jenn and I spent half a day at Beamer C.A. on Apr 7th... We arrived in an unbelievable mass of fog, and couldn't see a hawk to save our lives. Thankfully (after a walk in the woods) the fog lifted and we had ~100+ birds in the next few hours! The best part was having the birds low and close, allowing for great looks at Red-shouldered Hawks (including my first Juvenile of the year), "Northern" Red-tailed Hawks, a few Rough-legged Hawks and a handfull of Harriers.  A Merlin also zipped east earlier in the day.

Not bad! The most fun was had sitting in the sun (when the wind wasn't blowing) and a fun hike down below the escarpment edge!


I seriously considered heading to Beamer today (Apr 9), as it is probably going to be a pretty good day, but decided to stay home and get some work done.

Black Vultures continue to make news everywhere but here... Ripley hawkwatch in NY had it's first BLVU of the year, and Braddock Bay picked up it's 6th!!! Black Vulture of the spring yesterday. It's reaching a point now where you've got to wonder if there is a BLVU or two setting up shop nearby their hawkwatch.


The only other news I have for today is a bit of fun. Spent a few minutes putting this image together (for future use), but decided to post a copy early. A collection of Warblers (and friends) to get you excited for the glory of spring migration at its peak... We are only a few weeks away!

Its currently the background of my computer, and makes me feel good when I see it, so I figured I would share.


Hopefully some more b-side photos tomorrow.  I'm off to Toronto (the ROM) for the OBRC annual meeting all day on Sunday. Followed by 6 days of surveys (work) to make some money and pass the time until I travel off to Pelee!

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