Monday, September 30, 2013

Photos Hoot! - birds you don't go to Pelee to photograph

These sure aren't the species you go to Pelee to take pictures of, but you might as well take'm where they land anyways!

I've been trying to make sure I focus on the common birds more than I used to... I ended up with Kirtland's Warbler being my "most photo'd" passerine.... I think my Robin collection is getting respectable now as well.

I didn't have any baby-modo pictures prior to this. Now I do. Score. 

Too colourful to ignore..

I wouldn't normally upload two images that were so similar - but they're also dramatically different in terms of the emotions they evoke - and I couldn't pick a favourite..

So as you can tell, I uploaded both

Common birds! I tell ya... 


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