Thursday, May 11, 2017

A dull cormorant

I was a bit worried about my Neotropic Cormorant streak, but I managed to see one today at VWB... Five years and counting!!!

After my lakewatch (with work calling), I decided to do a quick check of the Tollgate ponds... I can say that watching the flocks on the lake is a 1000x better way of spotting a NECO than looking through the masses there...


Down low, on the edge of a mass, a cormorant sitting low with a dull/plain looking head... Surely I've spotted it on the ground!? I grabbed the scope, and was a bit shocked to see a decidedly-NON-Neotropic Cormorant...

Due to the dull features, I pondered Neotropic X Double-crested hybrid, but alas I wasn't really seeing any slam-dunk NECO features... Could this possibly be an uber-dull bird?? (I also decided it wasn't oiled, as the few head plumes it showed were white)...

It seemed to be paired up with a sub-adult DCCO... And was very clearly on the very edge of the nesting bunch (seemed to be on a nest)... So the jury is out in my books if this is NECOxDCCO or just DCCO (if "just DCCO" - it's a very odd bird)..

I did my best to get some record photos with my iPhone & scope. I even managed a video!

And more pics...

If you have any desire to visit & get better pics of the beast, here's where it is! (pond side, low on the berm) 

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