Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Anyone not notice the Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher banded at Thunder Cape?

Had a really awesome series of events happen to me this morning. I'll try to keep it simple below:

 - Pished in a pocket of birds

- Merlin arrives and does prolonged aerial attack of a Northern Flicker

- Sharp-shinned Hawk crashes through woods, flushing remaining birds

- Sharpie lands 30 ft away for superb views.

- Merlin returns and attacks Sharpie

- fight continues behind me into the woods

- large raptor crashes through the woods, flushing the raptors and all songbirds again.

- large raptor lands 50ft away in good light - it's a Juv. Male Northern Goshawk!

- 1 minute plus of great Goshawk views, sitting on low branch.

- Goshawk takes fligth, Sharp-shin returns and chases Goshawk.

----- All happened in a 5 minute span.. No camera, but a great birding experience.


Website is no longer listed as dangerous by google, but it's also lacking all content. Not sure if that's an improvement or not?


One new idea is to use picasa to host the gull and jaeger pages. Below are some working examples:

Is it good? Bad? I think it might be good. These pages are designed to help with these difficult to ID birds..... Always looking for feedback! Send me an e-mail and let me know what you think.

You could also leave a comment at the bottom! Never fear, you can leave comments as "anonymous" as well!  Any comments are appreciated.


  1. I'll comment again, as I was the other anonymous previously. I like the Picsa album because you can flip through the photos with ease and it doesn't re-load the page. Hope its as easy for you!

  2. Brandon, try smugmug to post your photos. The galleries are easy to organize and the display quality is excellent. The link below will give you some idea of the quality of the galleries.

    I used to use Picasa but found the display quality poor and the albums became disorganized after you get a dozen albums posted. I switched to smugmug after seeing a friend's galleries.

    It's a pay site but they have a 30 day free trial. It's not expensive with the base acount about $40 a year. I have the mid-level account which is only $60. I use it mainly for sharing photos with friends and family. As you are trying to sell your photos the pro accounts may be of interest to you

    If you try it with this link you get $5 off.

    Have a look and decide for yourself.

    One of my latest galleries at the link below

  3. On Sulfur-bellied- there is one in the Pan Handle of Florida right now and another one in Louisiana. Apparently they are on the move or really lost.
    Chris Newton

  4. Thats was a very cool birding experience you had that morning. Maybe soon they will have surgically implanted cameras for mornings such as this but you would still have to remember your memory cards. ;-)

  5. Thanks for the comments! They're very much appreciated.

    Paul: I looked into smugmug and pbase before settling with picasa - mainly because it was free. I figured the gull/jaeger pages were a lesser part of the website, and could maybe settle with not being as conveniently organised as before.

    Had a look at your links, and really enjoyed the images. Some awesome scenery!


    Re: Sulphur-belled's in the US - Hadn't heard about the one in Fla! Thanks for the info.. There's a nice photo of the other bird on the surfbirds website - for those interested:

    By Devin Bolser..


    Thanks again for the comments everyone!! One thing I liked about this blog style was trying to make it more interactive. Let's keep it rolling!

  6. Brandon - REALLY like the picasa-style gallery for your shots. Much easier to view than how you'd previously started to organize them on your site. This blog style, too, is fantastic. I'd encourage you to keep this sort of style for your posts and use picasa or smug for your galleries. I reference them all of the time. Your Long-tailed Jaeger photos continue to be disgusting. The subad bird is really, really killer...

    cheers to a good Oct and rarity-filled November...

