Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Condo BIG YEAR

There is no time like the present.

After much consideration and consultation with loved ones, I have decided that 2015 shall be the year in which I try to identify as many species as possible from my condo.

As the only place on earth that I can consider my own, it seems like the prime situation for a reluctant twitcher such as myself. 2015 Condo Big Year - here I come!

Some ground rules:

1.) - I will only count birds observed while I am inside my condo/balcony.

2.) - The only other birds I will count will be within the grounds of the condo building itself

3.) - Rules 1 and 2 may be broken, if I see something while really close by - but am too lazy to go back onto the property to "tick it"

4.) - I will count species only accepted by my own personal damn records committee (PDBRC)

5.) - I will count all exotic free-flying species, except for Eurasian Tree Sparrow or any of the Bishop species (if I happen to see one).

6.) - I will not drive/fly/swim anywhere to add species for my condo-big-year

7.) - Taxonomic changes will totally effect the outcome of my total down the road. Except for "stupid splits". If I see one of these "species" from my condo in 2015, I will NOT count it:

Pacific Wren
Bicknell's Thrush
Northwestern Crow
Any more than 1 "species" of Red Crossbill

8.) - Likewise, If we ever "lose" one of these species, I will still count it anyways:

Thayer's Gull
Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal
Hoary Redpoll

9.) I will count the following "subspecies" as species -

Audubon's Warbler
Oregon Junco
Any of the "other" Fox Sparrows
Common Teal

10.) I will occasionally count birds that I am not 100% sure of the ID, but only with just cause. This will be a case-by-case situation, with explanations appearing on the blog.

11.) "Heard only" birds will be reluctantly counted.

12.) The "big year" runs from sunrise on 2 January 2015 to 1 January 2016 at sundown.

13.) It's gotta be fun...

There you have it! Check back over the course of the year to see how I'm doing! I'll probably do my regular condo-birding-updates, plus monthly updates to track my progress throughout the year...

To give away a bit of fun - I had a great "big year" bird to start off the challenge today - a Snowy Owl flying along the shore going east!!!


  1. Fantastic! Great set of rules, this is zen birding. I hope someone releases a flock of Euro tree sparrows in your condo's front lobby just so you can enjoy not counting them.

    1. Haha, glad you enjoy it... We'll see about those ETSP......

  2. PS I know you are rooting for Jones tonight but he's going down.

