Sunday, May 15, 2011


Ken Burrell at the tip of fish point, counting reverse migrants!

Posting has been lacking, but these mobile posts haven't been working very well anyways! (See: Gray Fox)

On the boat back to the mainland from pelee island following several more days of darn good birding. It's a totally different ball game out here. Two days ago we arrived at Lighthouse Point with no indication of the birdlife, and left having seen Hooded, Mourning(3), Prothonotary(migrant) and paralysing looks at a Connecticut Warbler walking along the path (and eventually across it) not 25 feet in front of us. 1000 times better looks than I had ever had before.

Just a small sample of what's possible in the pelee island/park area. Not to mention the adult Parasitic Jaeger my dad had fly past our cottage last night!!!

Or the dickcissel and summer tanager we had at the last good reverse migration at fish point...

And yeah! Now trying our luck at the national park for a few days!

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

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