Friday, December 2, 2011

Fall photography

Fall photography this year was pretty slim for me again (working and generally un-inspired to shoot). But here's one I did take:

And, as you might expect, I'd be curious to know what you think of this shot? Love it? Hate it? Really don't give a hoot? Let me know! 


  1. Brandon--

    I kind of like it, but I think the owl is just a little too obscured. A bit obscured is good (to represent this species' reclusive habits), but too much and it loses focus (visual focus, not sharpness). It kind of reminds me of my Blue-headed Vireo picture ( ); just need a little more of the bird.

  2. The more I look at it the more I actually like it. But as usual I also want to see the bird more clearly.
    It's good to see different photos other than the usual portrait shots!

  3. Thanks for the comments! Definitely not a run-of-the-mill type of shot

