Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Something new on the Cackling front:

Cackling Goose news today!!! What the heck is going on here?!:

Left Bird: Todd's Canada Goose
Left Middle: Richardson's Cackling Goose
Right Middle: ? Cackling Goose
Far Right: Todd's Canada Goose

Far left: "Giant" Canada
Far Right: Todd's(?) Canada
Middle birds are the same two Cackling. Midget on the right.

3 of 4 birds from the first photo, better look at the tiny goose (2 CACG, 1 CAGO on R)

Better look at the 2 Cackling Geese

So what the heck is going on here? My best guess is the left bird (bottom photo - the small one) is a poorly-nourished Richardson's Cackler. Apparently large goose colonies in the far north can seriously over-graze their breeding grounds, resulting in abnormally small birds growing up. This bird is an adult, but i'm guessing the smaller developmental is permanent?

Either way - crazy bird... Can't be much (any?) bigger than the average duck. Quack

Moosonee to follow

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