Friday, June 10, 2011

Back in Black

Work had me away from the internet for a few days.... Not much news to add from me. Continuing to take it easy and do my work!

Some more "New" photos from this past May. Today's collection is some more examples of my new focus on the less-seen styles of bird photography:


Black-throated Green

Canada Warbler

Scarlet Tanager

They aren't the greatest things to ever appear on a bird-website, but I'm pretty fond of them (esp the Tanager). I frequently get people who (when seeing some of my bird photos) say "The birds don't really look like that, do they?" when presented with frame-filling detail in bird shots. These shots try and capture some of that feeling I get when seeing the birds with my  own eyes (or binoculars). 


A few days ago I posted some passerines in flight, without ID's. Apparently they're in demand! SO, this is what  I had:

Warbling Vireo
Bay-breasted Warbler
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Blue-winged Warb
Chestnut-Sided Warb
Scarlet Tanager
2 Chestnut-sideds
Nashville Warb
Baltimore Oriole (with some red? on the breast)
Black-throated green
Indigo Bunting
Orchard Oriole
Red-headed Woodpecker
Eastern Kingbird


This day in Ontario birding history:

White-collared Swift found at Rondeau - 2002


  1. I love these photos, Brandon-- thanks for sharing.

    Today I was looking for a new bird-photo forum to peruse, and found one (which shall remain nameless), but was immediately turned off by what seemed to me to be ridiculous comments on a perfectly fantastic picture; "a bit big in the frame", "too much head turn", "the broken stick is not ideal", "[a] leaf is a distraction." Nature is not a studio... or am I mistaken?

  2. I concur with Stuart. I actually prefer the photos with something else in them, be it snow, or leafy tree or water. It just gives you something to compare size and color to. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos.

  3. The more I think about it, the more I feel like this would be a decent topic for a blog posting sometime in the near future! Nature photography forums can really help with the learning process, but there is a lot of "strange" things about them as well (as you mentioned). Hopefully in the next week or so, I'll whip something up!
