Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2.5 hours of Pelee tip goodness

Woke up at 550am on what felt like little to no sleep!

The road out and the tip itself was very birdy, but apparently slower than yesterday. Some birds I dug up:

Hooded Warb
Grasshopper Sparrow
Red-headed Woodpecker
Baltimore Oriole
Blue-headed Vireo

I had a pectoral sandpiper and a Yellowlegs sp. fly over the tip area in the rain, so I'm thinking this afternoon/evening could be good for shorebirds. The forecast calls for 50-70kmh S winds, which could be good for Marbled Godwits, Avocets and Willets later today!

Currently drying off after the thunderstorms as I wait for the Pelee Island ferry! (10am) hopefully the rest will pass while I'm on the boat.

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Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

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