Thursday, September 22, 2011

Birding Wolfe Island on Sept 21

More extra curricular birding... Had some spare time to drive some roads around Wolfe Island...

Saw my first "Todd's" Canada geese from the North in several flocks... Now is the time for Cackling Geese to arrive. I wrote about it a while ago, so if you're interested, now may be a good time to check it out again:

(shameless self promotion, I know).

The main highlight was 4 adult "Lesser" "White Morph" Snow Geese in the SW corner of the Island (not the arm, just up the road from the USA ferry). I also had an adult Peregrine Falcon riding the airwaves up and down the shore here.

(they were a bit distant, but you can at least see 1 or 2 in there, right?) 

Snagged about 70 American Pipits, lots of other waterfowl, numerous Kestrel's and Harriers, a few shorebirds (yellowlegs), but overall fairly uneventful. This place really seems under-birded to me, and I really enjoy being out there. And it will only get better over the next 2-3 months .

Starling on Wolfe. Wolfe isnt "easy" to bird, but there are very large numbers there to be found.. Not that anyone cares about Starlings, but I had thousands upon thousands!

Directions: take the ferry from downtown kingston:

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