Sunday, September 18, 2011

Snail Kites from an Air Boat - Florida

(L on the map)

I was very excited to go on an airboat to photograph Snail Kites. I wasn't very excited to pay to go on an airboat to photograph Snail Kites, but I was very exciting to get on an airboat to photograph Snail Kites.

I had heard excellent things about Kissimmee Swamp Tours, located about an hour south of Orlando (google search them, you'll get their website). I talked to Captain Rob M. a few days before - and got all the info I needed. I simply needed to call him the day before, and he would arrive early for me, to make sure the boat was ready to go for some early morning photography. I called on March 11, and arrived early on the 12th at the boat launch.

I was able to photograph a Great Blue Heron and a Bald Eagle before we left. Around 8am, when the sun was up, we set off on a chilly but very calm morning. In about 45 seconds I noticed a large white bird standing on the far shoreline, and spoke into my headset "Hey, there's a Whooping Crane over there". Rob's reply was "Do you want to go over?" and I said sure!!! We got pretty close to the bird, but all the Cranes were heading into the fields to feed and the bird soon left. It was off to the kites!

About 2 minutes after we left the Crane (seeing many Purple Gallinules, Limpkins, Bald Eagles and other birds), we spotted the first Snail Kite. A female sitting on an open perch in a marshy area. We pulled within range for some perched shots, and yet when the bird took flight - we were a bit too close and I clipped a bunch of wingtips! The rest of the morning with the birds was amazing (about 90mins). I was able to get shots of an adult male, adult female, 2nd year male, Kite carrying snail, kites carrying nesting material etc. etc. etc. 500+ pictures in 90mins!

Rob had worked with photographers and film crews before, and I rarely even had to say anything to him when we approached the birds, as he always put me in an excellent spot for full frame images. We spent the entire time working with the Kites, but I can hardly imaging the other chances there would be with Purple Gallinule, Cranes, Ibis, Limpkin, American Bittern, Bald Eagle, Osprey etc. etc. if we had more time! (Or if I had more money). He was also very friendly and knowledgeable about everything I asked him!

I would highly recommend a tour with Rob to photographers and birders alike. If you want an amazing experience with the Kites, Kissimmee Swamp Tours is the way to go! I took a 90min tour, which was $130USD, but I believe it would be cheaper for a 60min tour, or if you had more people! (Cheaper per person that is). Even birders could very much enjoy this tour, as you can really have an amazing experience viewing the birds from close range in their natural habitats!

Some of the SNKI pics:

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