Monday, November 11, 2013

Now that's more like it!!!

After whining about a lack of crazy birds at lakewatch sites, Ohio just had to go and get a NORTHERN GANNET of all things... Where the HECK did that thing come from??? There hasn't been a juv. on Lake Ontario in over 2 years I believe...

Reminds me of when some crazy birders photo'd one on Lake Michigan a few years ago (during a time where we weren't seeing any in Ontario). Where?! Where did it come from I ask!?

(I would have bet some serious $$$ that this was going to turn out to be the Booby - but I was wrong!)


ROSS'S GULL - Quebec - WOW - what a Beauty...


Violet Green Swallow on Lake MI in Illinois today (now yesterday)!!! SA-weet pics too

What a beaut!


I was planning on birding the river yesterday (Sunday) and didn't go... Maybe I should have??? I kept seeing "Franklin's Franklin's Franklins" which worries me - isn't there anything else out there to be found!?

Perhaps a Glaucous-winged Gull?! (As I write this, I'm deciding if I want to try for it tomorrow).. Not quite sure what's holding me back.. Maybe a 4 hour drive to see some ugly-a$$ gull that's not a GWGU?


Jeff Masters did a recent blog post on the devastation caused by the Typhoon...


Hopefully I'll have some birds to talk about next time...  Go cats go!

1 comment:

  1. Juv. Gannet was seen at Hamlin Beach SP on Lake Ontario late last week. -JP
