Friday, October 12, 2012

50dor: current situation..

Some 50dor bloggers! I'm sure most followers already know of these things, but its funny to put them all together (and I didn't go birding yesterday, so I need something):

From people who have been updating: 

The nomadic naturalist decided to startle himself by spotting a stupidly late "date rare" Eastern Kingbird at a prime vagrant spot:

Alvan goes all "age rare" on us with an adult Dowticher... Long-billed? right? maybe?

Tiscornia Tim goes all "local mega" with a Brant + Long-tailed Jaeger duo...

David Bell gets a bit "twitch rare" with a Western Grebe, but also goes "local rare" with some great waterfowl (EUWI!) :

Jen Brumfield goes all ammodramus on us, and also goes to see a Rufous:

Ken-tucky tried to cheat his way to winning, by going all the way to Rainy River.. Didn't work though.. (update your blog, ken!)

Adam is looking for... Tiger Beetles?? ;) 

Josh "big year" vander probably has some of the best finds so far, with a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher that almost counts, a "range" rare with Carolina Wren (north rare?) and a "mega subspecies" with Harlan's Hawk - but nothing that really takes the cake yet... Which probably isn't of concern to him, since he needs those big year tick, and needs to keep looking!

And I've got some "kinda rare" things piling up myself... In total, I've had 3 different hybrid gulls, twitched the Vega, Long-billed Dow, Western Meadowlark, Cackling Geese, etc etc etc...

In short: nothing cosmic... yet...

You know what all of this adds up to?! It means we're paying out dues... Last year in September I came to a rather profound realization, which I think I posted on the blog at the time, but it still stands true now:

Rare birds are rare

The above list is a pretty awesome collection of bird records and the mega can't be far off! Question is, what is it? And who finds it?


  1. I'm working on a post for the Owl! Just having to deal with school at the moment...

    Nathan Goldberg

    1. Here's the updated blog post:

    2. Thanks Nathan! That must have been one heck of a bird!

  2. Why you got to chirp me like that? ;) Don't poke a sleeping tiger....beetle.
