Sunday, October 28, 2012

First birding with Frankenstorm

Late night = late start this morning...

10am to 1pm at Van Wagner's Beach


50ish Brant in 2 flocks

30ish Sanderling in 1 flock (had more, but not sure if its the same flock) --- these and the Brant are the birds being forced down on route from James Bay (or elsewhere in the north)

1 Juv Thayer's Gull

Lots of Bonaparte's Gulls (200?)

4-5 Red-necked Grebes on the wing

All 3 scoters (big numbers of Surf and WW)

Several individuals of both loon species

pretty much every other duck species you'd expect


Decided to take a break for the boring mid-day part... Didn't want to burn myself out for the fun we're going to have over the next few days...

Think I'll go back for a few hours this evening...

Some pics:


  1. I went back from 3:45 to 5:45... Looked great, but no Jaegers...

    Had 1 Peregrine Falcon (being chased by several Herring Gulls, then returning fire)... Plus a mixed flock of Yellowlegs offshore looking lost...

    Lots of loons and ducks as expected...

  2. Franken's Storm-Petrel
